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March 1, 2024
Streamlining customs: introduction of digital proof of union status (pous) for goods in the EU single market and Northern Ireland
Starting from March 1, 2024, a new digital system for Proof of Union Status (PoUS) will be introduced, replacing the T2L certificate and suppliers’ declarations.

Register for the new digital system that manages goods with ‘Union (EU) status’
Goods with Union status are goods that have the right to circulate freely in the EU single market and NI. It is not required that goods are produced in the EU to receive Union status, nor does it mean they are of EU origin. Goods produced in NI can benefit from being automatically classed as having Union status due to the unique market access benefits granted to NI businesses under the Windsor Framework.
If goods are transported between EU countries, or between EU countries and NI by a route that deviates outside the customs territory of the EU, including goods moving through Great Britain, the customs status of the Union goods must be proved when the goods return to the customs territory of the EU.
Proving Union status is an option for NI traders to move goods into the EU without further customs process or duties. Likewise, the process for proving Union status also applies for goods moving from Ireland to the EU.
Goods moving by land between NI and Ireland do not require proof of Union status.
What is changing?
From 1 March 2024, there will be a new system to store, manage and retrieve Proof of Union Status (PoUS). This will replace the T2L certificate and suppliers’ declarations with a digital way of proving the customs status of Union goods.
Transit and Regular Shipping Services (RSS)
Transit and Regular Shipping Services are not affected by the introduction of the new PoUS system and will continue to confirm the status of goods as they do currently.
How to get ready to use the new digital system
From 1 March 2024, customers will need to use the new PoUS system to upload their data to create an endorsement request. To access PoUS via the EU Portal traders will need to register for Uniform User Management (UUM).
Initially, you should email providing the following information:
You will then be sent a link to register onto the EU trader portal to authenticate access and allow you to access the PoUS system when it’s available in March 2024.Once registered, traders will be able to submit a PoUS endorsement request. HMRC will then consider the request and, if satisfied, endorse the PoUS, which will be available to customs authorities in EU countries.
PoUS will remain valid for 90 days following their endorsement. Retrospective applications for the endorsement of a PoUS will only be approved in exceptional circumstances. |